Fitzsimmons’ motions to exclude the testimony of two of the plaintiffs’ experts, and granted in part Dr. The trial court granted summary judgment to Piedmont Henry, concluding that the plaintiffs failed to present sufficient evidence of causation as to the nurses.2 The trial court also granted Dr. Fitzsimmons and failed to administer a pre-operative dose of Heparin. The plaintiffs also alleged that the nurses did not appropriately use the sequential compression devices ordered by Dr.

Conyers in failing to adequately assess her risk of thrombosis following surgery to ensure that she received necessary anticoagulants. Fitzsimmons at Piedmont Henry.1 As to Piedmont Henry, the plaintiffs alleged that its nurses breached the standard of care owed to Ms. Conyers allegedly died from a pulmonary embolism following an appendectomy performed by Dr. Fitzsimmons, PC d/b/a Eagle’s Landing Surgery, and Eagle’s Landing Surgery, PC d/b/a Eagle’s Landing Surgery (collectively “Dr.

d/b/a Piedmont Henry Hospital (collectively “Piedmont Henry”), Thomas R. In this medical malpractice/wrongful death case, the plaintiffs, Carole Anne Adams, David Aaron Stephenson, Seth Patrick Conyers, and Kyle Russell Conyers, the surviving children of the decedent, Mary Patricia Conyers, sued Piedmont Henry Hospital, Inc., Piedmont Healthcare, Inc. SeptemIn the Court of Appeals of Georgia A22A0990. NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be physically received in our clerk’s office within ten days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.